= world, global.
Ex: The business community entered the field at a time when the world economy was shaken by the oil price rises of the seventies.
Ex: Increasing competition and the "global economy" is greatly affecting the geographic dispersement of these people and the breadth of their interests.
* aldea mundial de la información, la = global information village, the.
* aldea mundial, la = global village, the.
* alfabetización a nivel mundial = world literacy.
* alfabetización mundial = world literacy.
* a nivel mundial = worldwide [world-wide].
* Banco Mundial, el = World Bank, the.
* comunidad mundial, la = world community, the.
* Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información = World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).
* de fama mundial = world-renowned, internationally renowned, world-renown.
* de prestigio mundial = world-class.
* de renombre mundial = world-renown, world-renowned.
* economía mundial = world economy.
* en el escenario mundial = on the world stage.
* escena mundial, la = global scene, the.
* Infraestructura Mundial para la Información = Global Information Infrastructure (GII).
* mercado mundial = global market, world market.
* Organización Mundial para el Comercio = World Trade Organization (WTO).
* Primera Guerra Mundial = World War I [First World War].
* Programa Mundial de Alimentos, el = World Food Programme, the.
* recesión mundial = world recession.
* Segunda Guerra Mundial = World War II [Second World War].